
Capture structured log output during test execution.

OpenHTF Device Under Test (DUT) documentation section header with TofuPilot.


Logging is crucial for debugging and tracking test execution. OpenHTF offers a logger that captures detailed outputs, custom messages, and error traces, which are saved to test records through output callbacks.


You can log events in phases and plugs with four different levels depending on the severity: debug for detailed troubleshooting, info for general information, warning for potential issues, and error for failures.


import openhtf as htf
from openhtf.output.callbacks import json_factory

class ExamplePlug(htf.plugs.BasePlug):
    def __int__(self):

    def tearDown(self):
        self.logger.info("Teardown phase")

    def do_something(self):
        self.logger.debug("Plug debugging details...")

def phase_test(test, my_plug):
    test.logger.info("Test phase started.")
    test.logger.warning("Warning in test phase: Potential issue.")
        raise ValueError("Error occurred in test phase.")
    except ValueError as e:
        test.logger.error(f"Test phase error: {e}")

def main():
    test = htf.Test(phase_test)
    test.add_output_callbacks(json_factory.OutputToJSON("test_result.json", indent=2))
    test.execute(lambda: "PCB001")

if __name__ == "__main__":

You can print the logs to the console, using the -v flag to control verbosity.

python main.py -v
  • Default: No logs are printed.
  • -v: Logs at the info level and above are printed.
  • -vv: Logs at the debug level and above are printed.


I 15:11:48 test_descriptor - Executing test: 
I 15:11:48 <phase: phase_test> - Test phase started.
W 15:11:48 <phase: phase_test> - Warning in test phase: Potential issue.
E 15:11:48 <phase: phase_test> - Test phase error: Error occurred in test phase.
I 15:11:48 <plug: ExamplePlug> - Teardown phase

All logs are saved to the report file via output callbacks if enabled.


"log_records": [
      "level": 30,
      "logger_name": "openhtf.test_record.<test_uid>.phase.phase_test",
      "source": "main.py",
      "lineno": 11,
      "timestamp_millis": 1729163738931,
      "message": "Warning in test phase: Potential issue."

Advanced use cases

You can use the logger extended features for advanced use cases.

Logger architecture

OpenHTF organizes its loggers hierarchically, with different categories managing parts of the framework and test executions.


├── .core.test_descriptor
├── .util.threads
├── .test_record.<test_uid>
│   ├── .test_record.<test_uid>.phase.<phase_name>
│   └── .test_record.<test_uid>.plug.<plug_name>
  • Framework logs: Manage internal logs for core OpenHTF operations (e.g. openhtf.core.test_descriptor, openhtf.util.threads).
  • Test record logs: Specific to each test, prefixed by openhtf.test_record.<test_uid>, capturing test details.
  • Test subsystem logs: Handle logs for individual test phases and plugs, identified by openhtf.test_record.<test_uid>.phase.<phase_name> or openhtf.test_record.<test_uid>.plug.<plug_name>.

Custom logger

You can customize the logger format.


import openhtf as htf
import logging

# Define a test phase that logs information
def temperature_measurement(test):
    test.logger.info('Temperature measurement started.')
    test.measurements.temperature = 25
    test.logger.info('Temperature measurement completed.')

def main():
    # Get the OpenHTF logger
    logger = logging.getLogger('openhtf')

    # Create a custom log format with additional details:
    # - %(asctime)s: Adds a timestamp to each log message.
    # - %(name)s: Includes the name of the logger (in this case, 'openhtf').
    # - %(levelname)s: Logs the level of the message (INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR, etc.).
    # - %(lineno)d: Adds the line number where the log was created.
    # - %(message)s: The actual log message.
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
        '%(asctime)s | %(name)s | [%(levelname)s] | Line: %(lineno)d | %(message)s'

    # Create a stream handler that will output logs to the console (stdout)
    handler = logging.StreamHandler()

    # Apply the custom format to the handler

    # Attach the handler to the logger

    # Set the logging level to INFO (it will log INFO, WARNING, and ERROR messages)

    test = htf.Test(temperature_measurement)
    test.execute(test_start=lambda: 'PCB001')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sample output:


2024-10-17 16:30:01,689 | openhtf.test_record.37182:0bdc84d5174c4d8f:2f76fe3a078146f2:1729175401689.phase_executor | [DEBUG] | Line: 307 | Executing phase trigger_phase

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